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At a time when, following the news terrifying for drought and human suffering afflict our people from the citizens of Mosul (humpback), perched on a different «scenarios» which surface there may occur, causing atrocities, it may come in parallel with the various factions ads from near the beginning of battles «edit Mosul». The very fear is that one Wiz Square Mosul war transformed into a series of battles settling of accounts, not against the organization «Daesh» terrorist, but between the outgoing parties there under the pretext of «Liberation» Mosul. The guide what I go to in this context is what can not be bypassed by hostility between the Turkish troops, which the Turkish parliament launched the hands of the presence and military operations in Mosul province to justify maintaining the Turkish national security, and the local Kurdish forces known as «peshmerga». Not understand the dimensions of this hostility far-fetched: the State of the Turkish never allow the establishment of a Kurdish entity on its southern border of East and South, even if limited in Iraq, fearing extended this entity to the Kurdish-majority Turkey on the border areas, and do not say the Islamic Republic of Iran's rejection of this entity . The Kurdish groups, from the opposite side, they are no less hostile to the Turkish state, as it is Ankara's main obstacle number one on the road to the establishment of an independent Kurdish national entity. This is what can make it crash between the two teams degree of violence and revenge that will cause problems for the citizens of Mosul, as the final victim in any conflict respect their city and region rich. It is a second perspective, the official Iraqi forces feared, allied with the crowd People, the aspiration of the Kurdish forces to «Liberation» on the road to Mosul annexed to the Kurdistan region, which has been expanding since 2003 steadily without any serious deterrent. This is what increases the risk of collision between the Iraqi central government forces on one hand, and the forces of the Kurdish «peshmerga» second-hand, so our people in Mosul, confirmed the victim, again. And the right to say, this is what has happened in recent history, and I mean in 1959, as supported by some Almousliyn political military coup against Abdul Karim Qasim leader in Baghdad at the time, so the Iraqis Communists and the Syrians who supported the leadership of Qasim attacked Mosul's residents Fbthoa them on account of those who supported the coup known as the housekeeper «Shawwaf». And claimed dozens of innocent victims. This is the most shockingly scenario: it can be this great historic city turns into something more akin to what happened to Tumha historical city of Aleppo, the humanitarian tragedies. The bottom line is that the bump Turk Erd, Kurds central state in Baghdad, and Baghdad, Ankara, and the Iranians Baturk, on the way the war on behalf of: The result is tragic is: that the organization «Daesh» terrorist turns into a mere «scenes» or observer, rather than be the the victim, that is the ultimate goal of all these overlapping powers. And thus survive this terrorist organization by simply watching the warriors who are supposed to be their coming to the goal of liberating Mosul and its people poor good