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On the other hand, considered the end of the Muslim history and Muslim communities theory behind peoples failed to catch up with liberal democracy. Fukuyama and I think that a lot of Muslims living in Europe, especially the second generation of them, are not able to sense their identity, European societies are not fused all races in one pot, adding that she uttered strangers and refuse to be their host in the confines of nationalist cloak and thus Muslim youth feel not The existence of a specific identity for them, which is rare, if these young men lived amid an islamic society, and because of this loss and confusion turn these boys to fall into the arms of al Qaeda or state regulation, which invites them to participate in an islamic roomy world and welcomed ever jihadist military nature, which represents a threat the great Liberal Democratic model. And so it contributed to the behavior and the nature of the Islamic presence in Europe, which is estimated at twenty million Muslims, in addition to the consequences of the movement of hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of refugees from Syria and others to Europe in facilitating the elimination of the end of history directly. The victory came at a Trump dimensions accurately roots populist movement sweeping the West after he managed to many non-Western countries under the pretext of expressing resistance to globalization. It was no surprise to obtain Trump voices of those who lost their jobs because of the working class because of foreign competition or move their factories to countries where cheaper than the salaries of the workers, as well as Trump won voices of white men who felt that American society modern and advanced culturally Hmchehem under the name of pluralism. The extreme right who are anti-immigrant is not different in nature from the majority vote of the British to get out of their country from the European Union a few months ago, and several European countries for candidates vote. The same scenario is no different from the enemy of European countries such as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic conditions, and probably suffered last year, the Netherlands, France and Germany, where he was elected an extremist forces of right-wing would not mind playing on the tendon cultural identity privacy, and follow the authoritarian policies and the protection of commercial and restrict immigration.