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Do not agree with the many people who bought the stereotype that Souktha media and institutional machine is mighty, described the man insane and recklessness, and incompetence to govern a great country, or minor, if it was unchanged as well, to win a majority vote of about 300 million US citizen in a free and fair election. Impressive Trump Russian President Vladimir Putin is not a defect, or a sin, then why do not we see is full half of the cup, and think in a different way, and we see in this admirable positive phenomenon that could lead to understanding, dialogue and coordination between the two superpowers in many files are inflamed, most notably the Middle East wars . Is it necessary to be president in the case of the two superpowers of strife and a tense relationship hot and cold wars? Did we forget that any war between them would be on our land and victims of our people and our children? Trump threatened to move the US embassy to Jerusalem? And we started screaming from this disastrous step, which is indeed the case, but what we did, or do you have the strength and the means to prevent it in the light of the painful situation experienced Islamic nation now? It is prevented the occupation of Jerusalem, and stop Aguethamadtha and Judaize? Is there anyone who defeated the stationed from the people of the occupied territory who sacrifice their lives and their blood, for Hvat on Arabism and converted to Islam? Other points then stops many, the threat of Trump prevent Muslims from entering the United States, which is a racist hateful and fascist act, but it is our right to ask, do you opened the Arab countries, and the GCC particularly, its borders to Syrian refugees or the Iraqis before them, which bear the greatest responsibility for them tragedy, when it pumped billions of dollars to overthrow the government in Syria and supported the invasion and siege and regime change in Iraq. Why not come to respond to prevent the Americans from entering more than fifty Islamic state? Why do Muslims go to America mainly? There are many other alternatives, we do not believe that Muslims will die of grief if you do Atooa American soil as visitors or immigrants. The response must be paying attention to the corrupt rulers who have squandered their wealth, and stole the fruits of their race, and placed them in American banks, and also to respond to work for good governance, equality and social justice, political and economic reforms. *** We are not supporters of President Trump, and can not be among his followers, or any US president last, because we believe firmly believe that most of our woes came from America and the Arab rulers allied with them, but we wanted to offer a different reading of this earthquake electoral US, and how to deal with him, and to emphasize at the same time that the first and most importantly our dependence Arabs and Muslims to be ourselves, to impose respect for others, do not be frightened by all the results of the uS presidential elections, and those of us who do not know a thing as elections only rarely. America changed, and the arrival of Trump to the White House is the beginning of this change, and logic says that we must change too, and learn from our mistakes catastrophic, and that we get rid of the mentality of dependency US sponsor who wants to impose a tribute to us, and loot what is left of our wealth.