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Is not correct to rely on the non - recurrence of similar incidents of terrorist action suicide bomber, who was appalled Petrine ministry of the Church in the heart of Cairo and brought down dozens of victims , mostly women and children. Underestimated what might happen, as the hype of what happened, both disrupts thinking about the facts of the situation and in the position of the strengths and weaknesses of open war with terrorism. The first were called to stop him that the incident was an explosive belt destructive power rocked the place and horrified as killed. The method itself is relatively new, given that there are no significant precedents. It is unlikely to be duplicated explosive belts operations in religious gatherings or civil consumed after car bombs rocked the ability to society's confidence in itself. Like any act of terrorism, he used another unintended violence for political purposes. It was littered with fragments of the explosive belt and the bodies of the victims Messages wanted to hit any possible return of tourism in the winter season near the Christmas celebrations, which imposes on which churches tight security, and to prevent any chances of any economic recovery, and raise the level of social anger, questioning the ability of the State to maintain the security of its citizens. Messages were not random, there are plans leisurely, and studied security holes on the doors of «Petrine ministry», and hit a beaten bloody in the most appropriate time for political messages. This requires avoided before sentencing, The incident was not purely «blow frustration», or «act of desperation», groups of violence and terrorism in the Sinai after the blockade. The nature of the suicide bombings, it is very difficult to stop in Egypt, as any other country regardless of the security measures of stress. All you can do a security track their organizations and pre-emptive strikes to prevent and mitigate any adverse effects on the safety of the community. In spite of the success of the security authorities to reach a personal suicide within hours the gaps of distrust have questioned the official version on the social networks. If not corrected the relationship between security and people on constitutional grounds, the disastrous consequences of the war on terror. This is a matter of political security before they are drying incubator for terrorism environment. What it is necessary that politics played roles in building public consensus in accordance with the constitutional rules of the state, which guarantees public freedoms and safeguard the rights of its citizens and is committed to the equitable distribution of the burden in the rules bear the consequences of economic reform is not loaded for the middle class and the poorest groups and destitute and alone. The social crisis of the major commodity prices and the inability of large segments of the citizens in meeting the most basic needs, an incubator environment for three types of crimes. First, criminal offense, is likely breadth .. The second, sectarian crime, that arise in most cases, to the lesser of the reasons .. and third, terrorist crime, they may find their opportunity in the further concentration and the ability to annexation and recruitment. Please turn to be accused of carrying out a suicide terrorist act belongs to the Fayoum, Egypt's second poorest province, according to the Human Development Reports. According to his lawyer he was tortured in earlier times, and may be in addition to the extremist ideas motive to commit suicide in the bodies of the victims. We should turn to be angry groups, which poured in after the incident to the Petrine ministry of the Church belongs mostly to poor areas, while the audience normal social composition of the elite Coptic, and it was a narrow social calling, with the emotion of the incident appalling, to the height of cheers would have been inconceivable to go out from inside the churches against the current rule in Egypt Coptic boss, who apologized for a woman who stripped in one of the governorates of Upper Egypt and went to the cathedral twice, as never before, through the Christmas holiday celebrations congratulations. Social tight effects and negative consequences in the war with terrorism, as much for the tight public domain effects and other repercussions. As far as breadth of the public sphere of society acquired any ability to internal cohesion conviction is not obligatory and the construction of public dialogue Tuaqath not confiscated society. He was pointing assault on some software providers on the private channels from groups screens escaped outrage for any control on their way to «Petrine ministry» the morning of the accident, the coverage and show solidarity in the face. Their persons were not intentional stand-alone as they were angry message Baltfelt the state itself.