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Coincidentally met with diplomatic personality, her links with international friendships, Foreign Minister US «John Kerry» in «Cafe Milano» Washington and Dar their informal dialogue about some of the developments in the region and the future of the Egyptian role in it. The minister was US have dinner in a separate room, and when he learned that his old friend in the same place a request from a member of staff to ask him if he wants to see. In the meeting, ask the next guy from Cairo one question: «John .. Tell me on what basis Chrcn or Tstbtn important countries in the region talks of the Syrian crisis?». He meant: «Why exclude Egypt?». The answer came in an exciting read and mission: «as far as they can make». He was meant: «Egypt has nothing to offer». Borrowed Egyptian diplomat view that what he heard from «Kerry» is the same as what he heard from Russian Foreign Minister «Sergei Lavrov» when he met him in Moscow, accompanied by other Egyptian diplomatic her personal account the regional and international level. In informal dialogues manifested look real, with no frills or compliments, to the policies and interests and the balance of influence and power realities. The ability to efficiently diplomatic initiative and performance according to the vision committed to the strategic interests of the country of any regional role of an active and influential requirements. For two consecutive performance Egyptian diplomat appeared in the Security Council, erratic grossly, do not convince anyone not bring respect. The first time, the voice of the Permanent Representative of Egypt on the two draft resolutions opposing the Syrian crisis and conflict on the Aleppo .. First, a Russian and the other French. No one in the world is ready to believe the justifications put forward to explain the position can not be explained. Diplomatic standards, there were understandable substitutes like to abstain from voting on the draft resolutions, or to vote for one without the other. The results were disastrous for the image of the Egyptian diplomacy on the international and regional sides in the Syrian war. «Lavrov» means: «This is floundering» he said in an informal meeting with Egyptian friends Kadiman. The second time, it was not the Egyptian diplomat performance before and after the vote on a resolution condemning for the first time in six and thirty years since the Israeli settlement activities and disarm them any legitimacy to a convincing and worthy as here nor anywhere else in the world except Israel. The story of what happened to the Security Council summarizing the confusion in the sensitive regional issues management and a violation of any red line when looking at the realities of Egyptian-determination. The Palestinian issue, a national security issue before anything else, when plugged into the security of Egypt Palmcherq Arab roots. And the Palestinian cause, despite the heavy setbacks it has suffered is the balance of sizes and weights and roles in the Arab world. Proven facts, not angry feelings, Egypt is a bruising in a difficult restored diplomatic justifications evasive, and fell on the fatal toward any confidence. Representative of Egypt to the United Nations did not request to postpone a vote on a draft resolution condemning the settlements «insight», it said an official statement, so that a comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian issue when «he took US President-elect Donald Trump» functions. P «Trump» in favor of the settlements and adopt the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem, this completely destroyed any chance two-state solution, while confirming the decision of the Security Council the illegality of what built by Israel of settlements in the occupied territories since (1967), including East Jerusalem, He called to determine the timeframe for negotiations Balyatea and their references. The withdrawal of the draft resolution was not something optional, it has received the Egyptian envoy is what he called himself as «alarm», either to renew the request to vote now, and either be withdrawn so that other countries that he also is in the same night. Egyptian vote was not in favor of the resolution, which described the internationally drafted at the right, is optionally another, it can not refrain nor rejection, but it is full of suicide Baltmahy with the Zionist project. Official allegation was not that the purpose of the withdrawal of the draft resolution ascertain whether the United States will use its veto power or not have any shadow of truth. The whole world knows the full story is not something secret now. The information almost unannounced in the corridors of the United Nations, the administration «Barack Obama» Azmat ordered her to abstain from voting, is not unlikely to have been instructed by international parties allied to pass a decision until the settlement project remains available two-state solution is possible. There were substantial grounds called on the major powers, each from his position and the accounts of security, to pass the resolution, fearing lead government to toughen «Benjamin Netanyahu» to end any chance of a settlement which may hurt more oil on the fire burning in the province commends the currents of violence and terrorism within their societies. According to the Israeli novel «Netanyahu» Contact «John Kerry», but he did not get any answer to reassure that the United States will use its veto to abort the draft resolution, as has been the practice in previous times of Management «Obama» itself. Diplomatic blockade appeared comprehensive, and Israel is isolated, and did not find the government «Netanyahu» is hiring the man who counts the Cairo to withdraw the draft resolution.